Investor's Grievances/Queries

Investor's Grievances/Queries

At Hindware Home Innovation Limited (Formerly known as Somany Home Innovation Limited), we take our stakeholders’ grievances very seriously. If you are an investor/prospective investor and have any query/complaint, you may write to us on the below mentioned addresses. We’ll do our best to assist you.

All investor grievances/queries may be addressed to our Registered Office to the attention of:

Mr. Shyamalendu Banerjee

Hindware Home Innovation Limited (Formerly Somany Home Innovation Limited)

2, Red Cross Place,

Kolkata – 700001, West Bengal

Ph: +91-033-22487407/5668


Address of Registrar and Share Transfer Agent

Maheshwari Datamatics Pvt. Ltd.

23, R. N. Mukherjee Road, 5th Floor,

Kolkata – 700001, West Bengal

Ph: 033-22482248/22435029
